Organizational Behavior - Group Behavior of McDonald's Employees

The nature of groups and group behavior within organizations

Group refers to a number of person work together at the same aim to perform a task or to do job. People formulate a group when they seek to do a job more effective and short time consumption. Employees of McDonald will formulate a group to reach their product to the mass people and done their assignment.

Adjourning is pre stage of forming a group including proposal of group formation and member selection. Suppose the management of McDonald has assign 5 groups and each groups have 10 members but the company does not select the members. Group leaders have to select which one will including in his group.

After the selection of member the next step in group making is the forming. The employee of McDonald now is in five group. Top management in this stage discuss with group leaders about the task.
The stage performing includes formal introduction of the group. In this stage the employee of McDonald will start to assign their task. Group leader will divide work among his group member and member will start the task.
In this stage the members are work together with their assigning task and they help each other to complete the task. Their primary aim is to complete the task according to McDonald requirement.
Storming is the stage when the group members complete their task and submit it to McDonald. The need for group in this stage fulfilled so the company break the group in this stage.

4.2 Discussion on the factors that may promote or reduce the development of effective teamwork within the organizations:

There have various factors which are effecting team works in various way and this challenging of all of the organization in the world. There are few factors which affect team work that McDonald can be able to identify. These factors are given below:
Management and leadership style
Leadership style is what a leader do when an unexpected occur happen. This style differs from person to person. Managers of McDonald provide inspiration, motivation and maintain discipline over their organization.
Communication system
Communication system in an organization can also effects their team work performance. Some organization follows direct communication some indirect. McDonald follows both of them considering the situation.
Organizations structure and culture
There has a culture almost all of the organization which can influence the activities of the employee. Effective teams are combination of diversity of culture and structure in the organization. Diversity in an organization assist creativity, innovation and aware of supporting team work.
Organizations rules and regulation
Almost every organization there has several rules and regulation and their employee obey to follow them. Effective team work should develop maintaining organizations rules and regulation. It can be include concerning attendance, performance and inter personal interaction. McDonald should bound their employee to follow these rules.

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