Organizational Behavior


In this assignment, there have discussed the differences and similarities in organizational structure and culture between two organization one is automobile Company and another one is Capco Company. Different types of organizational structure are discussed and also the impact on the motivation to the employee. The culture of an organization can be many types, there are discussed in the assignment. Influencing factors that affect an organization is also discussed in the assignment. Different approaches that organizations like Nissan and Capco can use for management. The leadership style and its impact on an organization was the discussion topic. An organization has to maintain both structure and the culture so that the employees can easily lead to a certain time for getting utmost result. The motivation is also the important factors to an organization. By motivating employees, an organization can easily get the touch of success.

Task 1:

1.1 Discussions on the differences and similarities in organizational structure and culture

An organization’s structure provide direct indication about the actual mission, vision and goal. The leadership structure can also be understood from the organizational structure. The culture refers to the information about the pattern of norms, manners, behavior and attitude. An organization’s structure and culture vary from the other organizations. After identifying an organization’s culture, it can be said that what kind of organization it is (Armstrong, 2014). For instance, the difference between Nissan the automobile producing Company and Capco Company. Nissan automobile Company produce different types of cars on the other hand Capco Company, a consulting Company, has six service sectors those are capital markets sector, risk and compliance sector, finance sector, insurance wealth and investment management sector, technology sector and banking sector. Nissan automobile producing Company’s culture and structure is totally different from the Capco Company. Because Nissan is automobile producing Company and on the other hand Capco is consulting Company. Different kinds of organizational structures and cultures are discussed below.
Hierarchical or tall organizational structure:

In the hierarchy organizational structure, there are many managers and every managers bear small control. The boards of directors have the supreme power in the organization. The tall organizational structure is more complicated than other organizational structures. In this structure, the respond is slow because of the less control by the managers.
Flat organizational structure:

In the flat organizational structure, the communication become strong between managers and workers. The team spirit is maintained well in the flat organizational structure and also maintain easily decision making. The cost management is also possible through this structure (Carpenter, 2009).
Matrix organizational structure

In the matrix organizational structure, where there are more than one boss that an employee has to maintain them. The reporting relations between the managers and the employees are set. An employee can easily set strong relation with the many people of the organization.
Nissan automobile Company follows tall or Hierarchical organizational structure. As an automobile Company, Nissan has to follow tall organizational structure. Because an automobile Company has to maintain control from top to bottom as position. To maintain the total work of an automobile Company, the employee of the Nissan Company are given power as top to bottom otherwise the total task of the organization will not be accomplished successfully. On the other hand Capco Company follows matrix organizational structure because Capco has many consulting firm. Every consulting Company like Capco has to study themselves before consulting in different areas of the society or any other organization. The employees of the consulting Company get touch of the different managers and also can gain knowledge from them.
Organizational culture:
Organizational culture can be defined as four types. Those are discussed below.

The flow of information go through upper level to lower level in the hierarchy or tall structure and authority also maintain upper level to lower level. In the flat structure, the management system different from the tall structure. On the other hand in the matrix structure, the information is flow both vertically and horizontally. The role of a manager is also different and versatile also. An employee has to maintain many managers (Fincham, 2005). The culture of different organizations like Nissan automobile Company and Capco consulting Company are almost same though Nissan automobile Company follow tall or hierarchical organizational structure and Capco consulting Company follow matrix organizational structure.

1.2 Explanation of the relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and then its impact on the business performances

The relationship between an organization’s culture and structure has greatly impact on business performance. An organization’s structure give direction to the pattern of management task, authority and the power of the employee of that organization. Whereas on the other hand, an organization’s culture give direction to the pattern of behavior, manner and attitude of the employee of that organization. An organization’s employees and managers are totally interrelated to the some common principles, morals and customs (Fischer, 2007).
And for this reason, the organization get positive result. By sharing common customs and morals between the managers and employees, an organization can share organizational goals and thereby the organization get achievement from its targeted object. Common interest inspires people to think themselves as a part of the organization. The structure of an organization refers that the ranks, positions and power of authority of an individual. The structure of an organization can be documented or can be undocumented. Undocumented structure explain the interaction between the participants. An organization’s strong culture reflects its high performance occurred by the employees. For the collective principles and customs, there are no argument on an organization’s well performance. To reach the actual goals, an organization should set a formal structure. A formal structure indicates the proper decision making and running out the organization’s goals. So it can be said that an organization’s culture and structure is interrelated to each other (Freeman, 2010). When Capco’s culture and structure can be connected to each other, the organization can easily get better performance than before. So it can be said that an organization like Capco, a consulting Company, will get better performance if it is possible to match between an organization’s culture and structure.

1.3 Discussion of the factors which influence individual behavior at work

Human behavior is complicated. An individual’s behavior vary from other behavior. An individual’s behavior can be changed, if the environment in which is changed or even the exposer of the organization. Different people behave different because they grow up in different environment. The birth place affect much in term the change of the behavior. There are discussed below the factors that influence individual behavior at work (D, 2012).

Personal factors:
Personal factors can be divided into two types. One is biographical characteristics and another one is learned characteristics.  Biographical characteristics are physical characteristics, gender, age, religion, marital status, experience, intelligence and ability. Learned characteristics are personality, perception, attitude and values. Physical characteristics are considered a person’s skin, height, weight, complexion etc. religion influence a person to be highly moral person. Highly religious person contain high values. Personality discusses about personal traits like persistence and so on. Attitude refers a person’s tendency to act. Environmental factors are economic factors, socio-cultural factors, political factors and legal factors. An individual greatly affected by economic factors like wage rates and employment level. Rules and regulations are the formal standards of behavior. Organizational factors are physical facilities, organization structure and design, leadership and reward system. Leadership refers that the system of providing advice, direction, coaching and assistance to the subordinate. On the basis of performance employees are to rewards. Human behavior can be driven into systematic way towards the plan and thereby it can be possible to attain goals (Goodpaster, 2007).

Task 2

2.1 comparison of the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations.

Leadership styles are consists of five styles. Those are autocratic, domestic, laissez fair, transactional and transformational. Every leadership style shows different style when the respective style is used. The effectiveness of the different leadership style is discussed below:
Autocratic leadership:
Autocratic leadership also called authoritarian leadership. In the autocratic leadership style, it is specifically identified that only leaders will take the decision and plan of the organization. This type of leadership style is not much popular and also oldest leadership style. By taking immediate decision by the leader, it is easy to define clear message and also it is not time consuming. Wal-Mart, McDonald, and Oracle Company is the example of successful autocratic leadership style (Griffin, 2012).
Democratic leadership:
Democratic leadership style also known as participative leadership style. Most of the organization follow this leadership style. By following democratic leadership, an organization can easily get touch of success. Leaders discuss the matter before taking final decision.  Gateway, Microsoft and apple is the example of successful democratic leadership style.
Laissez-faire leadership:
Laissez-faire leadership style is also known as delegate leadership style. This leadership style is the least effective leadership style. In this leadership style, leaders seldom guide the team members and also team members can hardly participate in the decision making.

Transactional leadership style:
Transaction leadership style is closely related to the transformational leadership style. Small business organization get more benefit by using transactional leadership style. Transactional leadership style has some benefits those are simple and low cost, clear and easy to follow and powerful motivator (C, 2011).
Capco follows democratic or participative leadership as it is consulting Company. As a consulting Company, Capco has to discuss with the group for providing better decision to the other business organization. The group decision is better than the single person’s decision. After group wise discussion, the leader take the final decision. On the other hand Nissan automobile Company follows the autocratic leadership. As an automobile Company, Nissan has to follow autocratic leadership. By following the autocratic leadership, the Company get the benefit. Automobile Company has to maintain total control over the employee that’s why Nissan follows autocratic leadership. 

2.2 explanation of how organizational theory underpins the practice of management

Organizational theory is applied in many sectors of business. Beside organizational theory, management theory is also applied in many business sectors. Many people want to adhere themselves with the theory for their betterment in the job and in the real life. Theories helps an employee how to achieve the organizational goals. By following the theories a manager lead his subordinate to the actual direction to an organization’s goal. Before practicing a set of direction, the theories are set as a guideline. Many matters are to think before set the theories. Most of the organizations do not set the theory on the contrary they follow the renowned expert’s theory which is effective to them (Hill, 2008).

2.3 evaluation of the different approaches to management used by different organizations

The different approaches to management used by the different organizations are discussed below.
Scientific management approach:
F.W. Taylor is the founder of the scientific management. In the scientific management Taylor emphasis that the necessary of the planning at work for achieving efficiency, specialization, simplification and standardization with the help of the science’s application in an organization.
Classical administration approach:
Henry Fayol was the founder of this classical administration approach. Fayol explain the theory like that the management performance is the combination of planning, training, coordinating and organizational functions. The administration is the key to take decision and to control the organization (Huczynski, 2013).
Bureaucratic approach:
Weber was the founder of this bureaucratic approach. Weber explain the theory like that the organization consider something those are rationality, democracy, structure, stability, predictability and specialization as a matter of principle. The rules and regulations are severely maintained and also followed by an organization.

Human relations approach:
Elton Mayo was the founder of this human relations approach. In the human relations approach Elton emphasis that the responsibility to a manager to motive the employee. Manager sis only the responsible person if he failure to motivate the teams.
Systems approach:
System approach indicates that an organization has to consider the functions performed by the management.  This functions is done with the resources an organization have (Jackson, 2000).
Contingency approach:
Contingency approach is also known as the approach of situational approach. The most updated approach is contingency approach.

Task 3:

3.1 discussion of the impact of different leadership styles that may have on motivation in organizations in periods of change

Motivation is the set of behavior both inter and external that a person should carry on up to the certain period. An employee should willingly do a course of action. An employee’s desire that stimulate himself to do an action for gaining a specific goal. Employee motivation is much important to gain organizational goals or to get voluntary response. An employee is motivated by considering some factors those are leadership style, reward system, in which place an employee is working and the types of work. Most of time an employee can be motivated or not it depend on the leadership style. Each leadership style has positive or negative effect on providing motivation (Katz, 2007).
In the autocratic leadership style, employee has no opportunity to express their opinion. The employee contain lower motivation in the autocratic leadership style because the freedom and the work flexibility are bind to the leaders. In the democratic leadership style, employees can participate in the decision making and also has flexibility in the work. By democratic leadership, an employee can easily motivated. Employees are considered as value to the organization. Transactional leadership is almost the same leadership style like autocratic leadership. Where there are imposed strict rules and regulations on the employees. In the transformational leadership style, employees are motivated emotionally (Keller, 2011).

3.2 compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace

Different scholars has invented different theory of motivation. Those theories are discussed below.
Equity theory:
J. Stacy Adams was the developer of the equity theory. The theory was developed considering some facts that are employee tend for judging fairness by contrasting the outcomes that they receive from the inputs. Inputs are the elements that an employee gain from the nature like experience. By providing input, an employee wants to be rewarded (B, 2013).
Expectancy theory:
Victor Vroom developed the expectancy theory. In the theory Vroom explained that employees will motivated through their feelings and will be rewarded. An employee’s performance is compared with the strength of preference and on the basis performance an employee is rewarded.
Herzberg’s Motivators &Hygiene theory:
Herzberg’s motivation of theory consists of two factors. One is maintenance factors and another one is motivational factors. The factors of maintenance indicate that employee expect the job and also perform the job. On the other hand motivational factors explain that an employee does not expect to do the job and get the job as a motivation.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:
From the need hierarchy model one thing can be said that if one need is fulfilled then other need come to near. Maslow’s hierarchy need consists of five elements those are biological or physical needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.
The management department of Nissan automobile Company can use this motivational theories and using this motivational theory an organization can easily achieve the goals (Schein, 2010).

3.3 evaluation of the usefulness of a motivation (Maslow’s Hierarchy need) theory for managers

The Hierarchy need consists of five elements those are biological or physical needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy need developed 1940-50s in USA and it is also known as Maslow’s motivational theory. There are shown a diagram below-
Maslow’s hierarchy need is applied in the management field for motivating the employees. In a survey it is proved that Maslow’s hierarchy need works more effective than the other motivational theory of need. Physiological needs refers that an employee’s basic need to survive those needs are accommodation, food, sex, cloth and education. By money all need can be fulfilled of an employee. After fulfillment of the physiological needs an employee safety in his life and in the work place. If safety need is completed then belongings or social needs are felt. Belonging or social needs are friends and intimate relations with the colleagues. In the fourth stage of Maslow’s hierarchy model, there are discussed esteem and status needs. Esteem and status needs consists of prestige and feeling of accomplishment. At the last stage, there are discussed self-actualization and fulfilment needs. Self-actualization needs refer that achieving full potential with creative activities (Sinclair, 2005).

Task 4

4.1 explain the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations

Every groups communicate with each other for attaining common interest and objective so that the organization can reach the goal. Groups are two types formal and informal group. Management organization creates formal groups and to maintain regular employees informal group is created. A number of stages of group established the group behavior. The behavior of groups are discussed below.

In the stages of formal group or team development, forming refers that sharing of information among the members. For this reason, group members come closer to each other for group task and understand each other easily. In the storming stages members vie for status and in this stage external compulsion interfere group. In the third stages, norming refers that employees are work together cooperatively and also group custom continuously increase. Corporate feelings also increased in this stage. Groups come to the maturity phase in this performing stage and gain knowledge to take challenge at work. The task that group does is a complex work accomplished efficiently. At the last stage of formal group, there are discussed adjourning stage. Most effective team or formal group are vanished sooner or later in his stage (Steers, 2004).

4.2 Discussion on the factors that may promote or reduce the development of effective teamwork within the organizations:

Effective teamwork can be developed within the organization by promoting or reducing various factors. This is a challenging term for management to find out how to use team more effectively (Stockdale, 2004). There are few   factor that the Walmart develop of effective teamwork can be promoted or reduced in the work place of Walmart. Discussions are given below—

  ü  Organizational structure and culture: Effective teams are constituted by a diversity of cultures and structure in the organizations. Diversity can promote creativity, innovation and awareness which will support effective teamwork.
  ü  Management and leadership style: which leadership style followed by the leaders that may reduce or promote effective teamwork’s development within the organizations. Leaders provide inspiration and direction, assistance and maintain discipline to ensure that everyone is performing to their highest possibility.
  ü  Communication system: Effective teamwork is based on clear and open communication system. Every team members should feel pleasant when asking questions regarding responsibility, timelines. When a conflict arises effective teams will overcome it by well communication system, rather than avoiding the issue.
    Ã¼  Organizational rules and regulations: Effective teamwork may be developed through organization rules and regulations. These rules and regulation may be concerning attendance, performance, interpersonal interaction, dress code and so on.
Technology has direct impact on functioning team work. In the modern era, without the technology it cannot be thought of a single second. Technology plays an important role in the business organization like Nissan automobile Company for completing team work. There are different types of information technology those are mobile phone, internet, e-mail and social media. The employees of the Nissan automobile Company can interact with each other by using different communication medium. They can also transfer information using information technology and also communicate with each other. For instant communication among the team members some effective communication medium are used. Those effective communication medium are messaging, videoconferencing, groupware etc. so it can be said that the employees of the Nissan automobile Company can communicate easily and successfully complete the team work. And thereby the Companies goal can be attained through the strong communication system (Thompson, 2001).


When an organization run its business activity according to organizational structure and culture, the organization faces some problem like how to motivate employee, how to train them and so on. These type of organizational problem can be solved by determining the accurate leader style and setting the organization’s norms, attitude and customs. Through following the organization’s structure and culture, an organization like Nissan automobile Company can get the touch of success. Motivational theories can be applied easily and also the management approaches. An organization can also underpins the organizational theory to practice management.

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