Business Plan for Agricultural Product

Executive Summary
Grass is a key feeding for most of the castles like cow, buffalo, sheep, got and other pet. The countries which are basically agro depended use different types of feeding for this kind of pet. Among them both natural and artificial foods are exist. But most farmers of Bangladesh generally use grass and straw for their castles. These are generally grow in field in a natural environment. But now the because of shortage of land these grew a few to feeding the castles so want to introduce a product named “Grass Caterings”. The specialty of these product is the grass will sell in the packet and they will sell over home delivery system. Grass Caterings may be in the form of fresh grass as in the field, may be in the powder form, or may be in the form of dry.  Grass Caterings will sell in the form of home delivery using self-transportation. Promotional activities will be TVC and personal selling. The product will totally natural and no insecticide will be used.


Grass and other forage compose most or the majority of a grass-fed diet. There is debate as to whether cattle should be raised on diets primarily composed of pasture (grass) or a concentrated diet of grain, soy, and other supplements. The issue is often complicated by the political interests and confusion between labels such as "free range," "organic", and "natural." Cattle raised on a primarily forage diet are termed grass-fed or pasture-raised; meat or milk may be called grass-fed beef or pasture-raised dairy. However, the term "pasture-raised" can lead to confusion with the term "free range" which does not describe exactly what the animals eat. Thus, cattle can be labelled free range but not necessarily grass-fed. Another term is "grass-finished", for which cattle are generally held to a higher standard in terms of tenderness and marbling. However, the label generally has no strict regulations.


The primary objective of the business is to provide insecticide free castle grass. There is some other objective of the business. The objectives for the first three years of operation include:
Ø  To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer's expectations?
Ø  To increase the number of client's served by 20% per year through superior service.
Ø  To develop a sustainable start-up business.
Ø  To develop enough cash flow to pay all salaries as well as grow the business.
Grass Catering's mission is to provide the customer with the finest kosher catering.  We exist to attract and maintain customers.  When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.  Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

Literature Review

This assignment is regarding to make plan for a totally new business which is not exist in the market. In this assignment I tried to make a unique business plan for a totally new product named grass caterings. This product is totally new in the market and I commit that there have no copy for the idea generation. This plan is make for the market of Bangladesh and make the plan for a small enterprise business. The plan is made for the product as not exist in the market but it is made for the product will coming soon. I think there have no existence of the product.


Methods: Research methods are the way of conducting the research. Research method is of three types;
§  Quantitative method: Quantitative data are those data which can be measured numerically. Quantitative research is based on Quantitative data.
§  Qualitative research: The data which cannot be measured in numerical terms are known as qualitative data. Qualitative data are used in qualitative research.
Mixed research: In some research, the use of both qualitative data and quantitative data are done
Data collection methods: No research can be done without data. That is why data is called the raw material of any research. Data can be collected in two way:
§  Primary data collection: Primary data are those data which have not been collected and analysed before. These data have not been processed earlier.
§  Secondary data collection: Secondary data are those data which have already been collected, analysed and processed.

Sampling method: To select the appropriate sampling technique and sample size, the following options are available:

 Keys to Success

The key to success is to meet and exceed the customer's needs in terms of quality of food and excellence of service.

Finding Analysis

Grass Catering, will be located in Laksam, Comilla.  Grass Catering will serve parties of 25-300 people with high-end kosher foods that are currently only available in Laksam.  Grass Catering will offer a large menu repertoire, from traditional favorites to creative inventions.  All of the food and drink items served will be done under strict supervision of the Orthodox Rabbinic authority.
Grass will rent space for the office and kitchen in an industrial area of Philadelphia.  Renting in the industrial area will significantly lower the cost. Since the space will be used for food production it is not relevant for the store front to be aesthetically pleasing, or in a nice neighborhood. Grass Catering is forecasted to generate TK395, 000 in revenues for year three.


Business Plan Summary

The Grass catering market is an interesting one.  There are several caters that offer services that are quite similar to each other in terms of price and menu options.  For whatever reasons, there has been little demand by consumers to get caters to innovate their menu.  This is not too say that consumers would not welcome new kosher menu items, it is just that people have incorrectly made the assumption that kosher meals have to be boring. Grass will occupy a niche in the kosher catering market that offers new, creative menu items, broadening people's conception of kosher food.  This market consists of two target segments that are differentiated by household income.


Products of Grass Caterings are mainly grass and product made from grass. It includes:

  • Dry grass
  • Raw grass
  • Powder grass

Dry grass

Grass will be dry in order to use them for a long time and using them in rainy season when grass are unavailable. This types of grass will be more expensive then raw one. Dry grass products have storage and processing cost. The best type of grass which will be dry and store for long time are:

Bahia grass
Bahia grass is warm season grass, resistant to drought, disease and insect attacks. It will survive in a variety of soils from sandy to clay and other infertile, dry soils. It requires a little maintenance. The grass will thin out over time and has a low tolerance to many weed control herbicides.
Bermuda grass
Common Bermuda grass is drought resistant, grows on many soils, and makes a good turf if fertilized and mowed right. Common Bermuda grass produces many unsightly seed heads, but in spite of this fault, it frequently is used on home lawns due to the ease and economy of establishment.

Raw grass

Raw grass products are including product from fresh grass cut from field and sell it within 1week. This types of grass are low cost in processing and storing. They are made for instance used by the castle. They can be sell by attractive packaging. 1kg of fresh grass will be 50-60 tk. The best types of grass which can be sell instance are:

Buffalo grass
Buffalo grass, Buckle dactyl ides, is a perennial grass native to the Great Plains from Montana to Mexico. It is one of the grasses that supported the great herds of buffalo that roamed the Great Plains. Buffalo grass also provided the sod from which early settlers built their houses. Buffalo grass is, perhaps, our only truly native turf grass in North America. Its tolerance to prolonged droughts and to extreme temperatures together with its seed producing characteristics enables Buffalo grass to survive extreme environmental conditions. Overgrazing and, in the case of turf, over use or excessive traffic are the pressures that lead to the deterioration of a stand of Buffalo grass.
Carpet Grass
Carpet grass is a perennial, coarse-leaved, creeping grass. It grows better on low, wet soils than do other grasses. It will grow well in either sun or shade but is less shade tolerant than St. Augustine and Centipede grass which it resembles. Carpet grass may be planted by seed or sprigs. Carpet grass is recommended only for lawns on wet, low fertility, acid, sandy soils where ease of establishment and care is more important than quality. Its chief disadvantage is rapid seed head production.

Powder grass

Some of the castles are sometimes unable to eat something for diseases and other causes. Grass Caterings have introduce a product for this castles and that is the powder form of grass. At first grass will be make dry then they will be turn into powder form after some processing. In this type of product Grass Caterings will mix some vitamin to rescue the castles quickly. To make such kind of product one best grass is:

Zoysia grass
Zoysia grasses are warm season grasses native to China, Japan and other parts of Southeast Asia. The species was named to commemorate an 18th century Austrian botanist, Karl von Zoos. In 1911, Zoysia martellato was introduced into the United States from Manila by a USDA botanist, C. V. Piper. Because of its origin the grass was commonly called Manila grass. Piper described the grass as abundant on or near the seashore in the Philippine Islands. When closely clipped, it made a beautiful lawn according to Piper's notes. He suggested that the grass had unusual promise as a lawn grass along the Gulf Coast and Atlantic coast of Florida.

Market Segmentation

Grass Catering has two distinct target populations. Middle class kosher farmers. This group of people does not have huge amounts of disposable income, recognizes that it is costly to sponsor a kosher dinner party, and is willing to incur the expenses, but will try to minimize them.
Upper class kosher clients, this group has intertwined kosher values throughout their lives and is willing to spend whatever it takes to throw a high-end kosher dinner function.  Typically, this group is characterized by a wealthy one-income family where the male works and the female does not.  The female of the household typically thoroughly enjoys the planning of these events.

Target Market Segment Strategy

The target market segment strategy will not be significantly different to address the two different groups. Both groups, regardless of income typically belong to the same group of religious congregations. Therefore, to reach the different groups does not require a distinctly different strategy. What differentiation it will require is different menu offerings needed to satisfy the different groups. The upper-end menu items are cost prohibitive for the middle class target segment.

Service Business Analysis

The kosher catering business in Philadelphia is fairly unique.  At the low- to mid-price point of the cost spectrum, there are four other kosher caters.  These caterers tend to serve the part of the market that must have kosher food served at an occasion due to religious beliefs, but struggle to able to afford the cost variance between standard and kosher catering.  All four of these caters have fairly standard menu offerings.  There is a fifth caterer that also serves the lower end of the market (defined as middle class) but serves the high end of the market as well.  Although there is a large wealthy population in Philadelphia that follows the laws of kashrut, they have been underserved.


Competition and Buying Patterns

As stated in the previous section, there are four other kosher caterers that serve the low to middle end of the market.  These caterers compete to some degree on cost (due to budget constraints of some clients), but more so on service.  The quality and the serving of the food are the main areas of service that the caterers compete on.
There is one high-end caterer who will compete with Grass.  This caterer, while serving the upper-end market, does not provide its clients with upper-end service. This company is not a strong competitor because of their overpriced service offerings relative to the service provided, and its business has been declining over the last few years. Lastly, one competitor for the high-end market is kosher caterers from New York City.  When cost is no object, there are many people that are willing to pay the additional cost of bringing in the caterer from NYC. Grass Catering will gradually gain market share in the kosher catering market by leveraging its competitive edges. These edges are superior attention to detail and innovative nouveau cuisine kosher meals. The edges that Grass will leverage are areas that have been ignored in this market for some time now. These competitive edges coupled with a targeted advertising campaign and networking will be Grass's game plan for increasing their market share.


Marketing Strategy

Grass's marketing strategy will be based on developing visibility among Philadelphia's kosher community.  This will be accomplished through two ways. The first method is a targeted advertising campaign.  Advertisements will be placed in various Jewish newsletters. There are a couple of Philadelphia-wide newsletters. Additionally, Grass will advertise in a few Synagogue-specific newsletters. These advertisements should yield a decent amount of service inquiries since they are fairly targeted toward the target population that utilizes kosher catering.
The other marketing strategy which is less formal is a networking campaign among the Philadelphia Jewish population.  Susan has been an active member of the Philadelphia Jewish community for five years.  While the Jewish population is of decent size, numbering around 200,000, it is a fairly close knit community where people tend to know each other.  Susan will leverage her contacts within the Jewish community to raise awareness for her catering activities.  While the networking might not cast as large of a net as advertisements will, it costs far less and the relationships that it builds will be far stronger because of the trust relationship that has already been established.


Competitive Edge

Grass Catering's competitive edge is its attention to servicing customers and inventive approach to kosher cuisine. Grass's customer attention differentiates them in the world of kosher catering which is dominated by several companies that have plenty of demand.  The consequence of market demand is a decreased pressure to accommodate customers. Grass is approaching the market as if there was significant competition between the different service providers.  By making customer satisfaction a priority, over time, local customers will come to appreciate the attention that their needs are given and form a long lasting relationship with Grass Catering.

Grass's other competitive edge is their nouveau cuisine approach to kosher food. Traditionally, kosher food has remained stable and unimaginative for a long time.  Most people believe that there are large compromises that must be made when serving kosher. These compromises need not be made however, and Grass is changing these misperceptions.  Just because there are strict rules regarding the types of foods that may be used and the way it must be prepared does not eliminate creativity.  Grass is taking their knowledge of nouveau cuisine and creating inventive, colorful, and delicious kosher alternatives.

Personnel Plan

Besides utilizing Susan's skills full time, Grass Catering will require the following personnel:
They will work in the field level and their primary responsibility is to grow up the grass properly and take care of them.
Grass collector
They will collect grass from field directly and categories these grass into different segment depend on their standard.
Grass processor
They will just process the grass whether they should go.
Home deliver
They will deliver the product to the home of the customer.
Sales man
They will sales the product in the store to the customer in the form of retail as well as whole.

Personnel Plan

Personnel type
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3

Grass collector
Grass processor

Home deliver

Home deliver  Sales man


There are several problems which will face by the company and they are described above. Now how the problems will be solved is given below:
  • Being a small sized business the company wills the problem of legality so I should have make registration in order to avoid these problem.
  • As the product is new, it should have strong promotional activities to aware the customer about the product.
  • Financial problems should be solved by managing cash from bank and friends.
  • Should have skilled employee to produce the grass and make the grass fresh, vivid, and natural.
  • Make a strategy to the advantage over the competitors.
  • Be aware about political instability and other external; factors so they can be face when they occur.


Grass caterings is a new product made from grass for castles like cow and buffalo. It is primarily will produced in the field and finally send to the customer as raw, dry, or powder form. The product has low awareness to the customer and should have high promotional activities to introduce with the customer. Though it will face low competition but should have proper steps to get advantage pver the competitors. Company will use their self-transportation system and a number of employee is requires to maintain they business activity so they will require a huge amount of cash to run it. This cash can be collected from the bank or other sources. Company should establish an information source to gather information from the customers and clients.


3.       Brunt, P. 2007. Market research in travel and tourism. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
4.       Butler, P. and Peppard, J, (1998), “Consumer purchasing on the internet: Processes and prospects”, European Management Journal, vol. 16, no. 5, pp.600-610.
5.       Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. 2007. Designing and conducting mixed methods research (p. 275). Thousand Oaks: Sage publications.
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  1. Deshpande, R. 2001. The organizational context of market research use.
  2. The Journal of Marketing, 91-101. .
  3. Entrepreneurial development by Holt
  4. Entrepreneurial development by Barringer


Sales Forecast
Month 1           Month 2          Month 3          Month 4          Month 5          Month 6                                                                                                                                             
Middle class         0%                 TK0                TK2,823          TK3,614          TK4,911          TK5,711         
Upper class          0%               TK0                 TK3,245          TK4,154          TK5,645          TK6,564         
Total Sales       TK0                 TK6,068          TK7,768          TK10,556        TK12,275        TK14,670

 Cost of Sales
Month 1           Month 2          Month 3          Month 4          Month 5          Month 6         
Middle classTK0          TK847             TK1,084          TK1,473          TK1,713          TK2,048         
Upper classTK0 TK974 TK1,246          TK1,694          TK1,969          TK2,354         

Subtotal Direct cost of Sales
TK0                 TK1,820          TK2,330          TK3,167          TK3,682          TK4,401         

Personnel Plan
Month 1           Month 2          Month 3          Month 4          Month 5          Month 6         
Farmer 0%                   TK3,000          TK3,000          TK3,000          TK3,000          TK3,000         
Cutter   0%                   TK0                 TK1,000          TK1,000          TK1,000          TK1,000         
Sales    0%                   TK0                 TK2,800          TK2,800          TK2,800          TK2,800         
Home   0%                   TK0                 TK0                 TK0                 TK0                 TK2,800         

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