Marketing Intelligence of Amazon UK


Amazon UK is one of the prominent e-commerce site in UK and this assignment is based on them. Numerous factors related with marketing intelligence of Amazon UK are discussed in this assignment. In the first part of this assignment, I discussed about consumers and business buyer behavior, buying decision process, branding, company image and their relation with repeat purchasing. Types of market research techniques, sources of secondary data, reliability and validity of research findings are discussed in the middle part of the assignment. Along with them, market size, market trends, competitor analysis etc. also discussed in the middle part too. In the last part of this assignment, I discussed about customer satisfaction, ways of measuring customer satisfaction, designed a customer satisfaction survey and review the success of a completed survey. 

1.1 Describe the main stages of the purchase decision-making process.

Any persons who purchase products or services from market for the purpose of consumption are known as consumer. At Amazon UK, consumers generally follow a five stages buying decision model for buying existing products or services. This model is given below;   

At Amazon UK, consumers will have to feel the need for any products or services. After that, they search information about the products or services. Evaluations of the alternative products or services that are available in the marketplace are happen in the third stage of the model. Consumers buy their needed products or services in the next stage of the model. The last stage of this model relating with the measurement of the products value and usefulness of the purchasing products or services by the consumers.
However, at Amazon UK, consumers also follow another model for buying new products or services. This model contains with the stages awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. In the awareness stage, consumers become aware or know about the new products or services. Then they feel interest for buying new products or services and start searching about the products. After then, consumers evaluate the new products with the existing products and pick whether they need the new products or not. In the trial period, consumers buy products at a small scale for measuring the value and satisfactory factors of new products. Adoption process occurs only if new products can satisfy the consumers and then they buy it at a large scale for regular use (Baker, 2013).

1.2 Explain theories of buyer behaviour in terms of individuals and markets

There are many theories that are related with the buyer behaviour and these theories are used to explain and predicts the buyer behaviour of both consumers and business buyers. Amazon UK follow different theories like as rational act theory, new institutional economic theory, process theory, and bullwhip theory for assessing their buyer behaviour.
Rational act theory
Rational act theory denotes that both the consumers and business buyers of Amazon UK buy products or services based on the rational analysis of their self-interest. Buyers always prefer the most profitable courses of action when they buy any products or services from Amazon UK
New institutional economics theory
Various forms of uncertainty limited the rationality of buying decision of any products or services and it described by new institutional economics theory. Buyers are not always know about the potential benefit of the product they want to buy and this uncertain factor affects the buyer behavior.
Process theory
Buyers are not always buy from rationality. Sometimes they buy from opportunities too. If Amazon UK offer ‘buy one, get one free’ on different products, sales volume will be increased because buyers make large scale buying which is not arise from rationality but from opportunities.
The bullwhip theory  
A small changes in one side causes major effect on another side. If sales of Amazon UK increase 20% because of their quality of products and if Amazon UK started to collect the product from one new supplier along with the old one then the new supplier have to produce additional product because of the increasing demand of the product at Amazon UK (Chang, 2014).

1.3 Explain the factors that affect buyer behaviour

 Different factors like as cultural, social, personal and psychological factors are responsible for changes of buyer behavior in Amazon UK.

Psychological factors
Psychological factors are mainly composed with two elements; motivation and perception. Need becomes a motive when it is backed by a sufficient level of intensity. Motive encourages a person to act. Perception towards any product or services of Amazon UK also influences buyer behavior. Perception arises from past experiences, expectation, selectivity, subjectivity and so on.
Social factors
Buyer behavior pattern are influenced by surroundings around them to a great extent. Social factors consist of family, reference group, and social status and so on. People learn from it and their behavioral pattern affected by it.
Cultural factors
Cultural factors consist of culture, sub-culture and social class of people. Culture is the set of beliefs and values commonly shared by people within a group. Sub-culture is a part of culture which influences more on buyer behavior at Amazon UK. Need and demand are also influences by living standard of people.
Economic factors
Economic factors consist of personal income, family income, income expectation, savings, consumer credit and other economic factors. These factors directly affected the buyer behavior. Increase of income will result in purchasing in large scale or buying high quality product from Amazon UK.
Personal factors
Personal factors consist of age, occupation, income, life style, attitudes etc. of a person. Buying pattern change at different ages and according to income. Life style and attitudes of consumers also affected their buying pattern at Amazon UK.

1.4 Evaluate the relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchasing

 Repeat buying of any product produced by a company instead of purchasing from competitors or substitute product is known as brand loyalty. Some people buy from Amazon UK and others from Sainsbury or any other seller. This happen because of brand royalty. Organizations express itself towards various publics such as customers, investors, government etc. by corporate image. Repeat purchasing is buying again and again from the same company instead of buying from their competitors. Both brand loyalty and corporate image help to increase company’s sales volume, decrease production costs and promotion costs and thus helps the company to gain more profit (Chen, 2015)

2.1 Evaluate different types of market research techniques.

Any organization needs to research the market for satisfying their customers, evaluating its position at the market, evaluating the competitors and increasing brand awareness and reach.  Market research is of two types; primary market research and secondary market research. Primary market research is the research that is done by the company itself and secondary market research is collecting data and information from secondary sources (Chimngamsert, 2014). However, there are five most popular primary research techniques and Amazon UK can use some of them for conducting their primary market research.

Structure and straightforward questionnaire are used to conduct survey. Researchers conduct survey towards sample groups which represents the total target customers of Amazon UK. There are various types of survey; person to person survey, telephone survey, mall intercept survey, and mail survey. Large sample helps to get reliable findings but it needs more cost and time. Survey is reliable but it is costly and time consuming.
Focus group
An expert moderator conducted the focus group discussion in a friendly and informal manner. Focus group consists of 8-12 people and moderator has to find out the latent things of group members. It is time consuming and costly, moreover it is very tough to find an expert moderator who can successfully conducted the discussion.
In-depth interview
Face to face interview taken by an expert moderator from single respondent. It is costly and need more time.
Researchers try to find the desire answer without questioning respondents directly. They observe respondent by camera, recording, and so on. There is no chance to bias and it is less costly and less time consuming.
An experiment is occur when any product is given to the respondent and collects information after they use the product. Experiment helps to adjust price, improve package, promotion etc. of Amazon UK.
However, secondary market research can be done through two ways. First one is data collection from internal sources such as company’s database and second one is data collection from external sources such as magazines, journals, government agencies, research agencies and so on.

2.2 Use sources of secondary data to achieve marketing research objectives

Secondary data can be collected from two sources; internal sources and external sources. Internal sources are the data that collected by the organization itself previously and stored in their database. Sources of internal data collection of Amazon UK are given below;
o   Balance sheet of Amazon UK
o   Profit-loss statement of Amazon UK
o   Inventory records of Amazon UK
o   Sales figure of Amazon UK
o   Consumer response rate of Amazon UK and so on.
Secondary data are the data that are collected by third parties and Amazon UK can collect secondary data from different sources which are given below;
o   Various media like as newspaper, magazines, journals, business articles and so on.
o   Government agencies like as statistics bureau of government
o   Various market research agencies like as Mintel and NOP.

2.3 Assess the validity and reliability of market research findings

Validity is the legality of the research findings. There are two types of validity; internal validity and external validity. Internal validity is to check the existence of cause and effect relationships of the research findings and make them valid by calculating correctly. External validity is wider concept than internal validity. External validity ensures that research findings are not only valid for research work but also valid for real life work (Tiu Wright, 2011).
Reliability of research findings is the evaluation of research; whether it is correct or wrong. There are various types of reliability. Some findings have the chances of being change across time and some are reliable across time. If findings are reliable across time, it is easy to make decisions. Reliability across sample defines that, changes of sample causes changes in the findings. If findings are same after data collection from different sample, then it is reliable. Findings of research should be same for claiming the research findings as reliable over time and sample (Dietrich, 2015).

2.4 Prepare a marketing research plan to obtain information in a given situation

It is very important to design an effective marketing research plan for obtaining the desired result. Amazon UK can follow eight steps marketing research plan for designing their research which is given below;
o   Clearly identify the problems or research objectives. Problems should be clearly defined.
o   Set the research question. Question should be clear, specific and non-bias.
o   Write the research proposal. Research proposal consists of various things such as types of research, objectives of research, sources of data collection, data analysis methods, methods of publishing findings, budget of research and so on.
o   Allocate the research budget and resources for conducting research successfully.
o   Research proposal should trial up before final implementation.
o   Data collection methods should clearly define.
o   Statistical and mathematical data analysis process should select to analyze the data effectively.
o   Report the findings and make recommendations to overcome the problem (Griffith, 2013).

3.1 Assess market size trends within a given market

Market size can be measured by the total sales volume of the Amazon UK. Sales volume can be measured by the units of products Amazon UK sell to their customers. However, evaluating market size is important to calculating the market share of Amazon UK and its competitors. Market size selected based on the potential and actual customers. Amazon UK should select their potential customer; whom buy their products. Then it selects their actual customer; whom actually buy products from Amazon UK. Suppose, citizens of UK are the potential customers of Amazon UK, then Amazon UK should able to measure the number of their potential customers as well as their actual customers; numbers of UK citizen buy from Amazon UK (Kotler, 2013). It also able to understand the current market trends- what currently going on the market and plan according to the market trends. If Amazon UK failed to understand current market trends, it will surely face a great loss.

3.2 Plan and carry out a competitor analysis for a given organisation

Competitor analysis helps any company to understand their competitors and keep the company ahead of competitors. Sainsbury, asda, tesco, ebay, etc. are the main competitors of Amazon UK and they should analyze their competitor’s business plan, marketing strategy, sales records, promotional activities, after sale services and so on for keeping them ahead of the competitors. Amazon UK should collect data related with their competitors from various sources, analyze the data collected from different sources and find out a way to beat their competitors (LaPlaca, 2014) . Amazon UK should always follow up the various activities and business decision taken by their competitors which helps them to keep them ahead in the competition.

3.3 Evaluate an organisation’s opportunities and threats for a given product or service.

Opportunities and threats of Amazon UK are listed below;
o   Backward integration: Amazon UK can start their in-house brands in various product categories and can differentiate their offering.
o   Global expansion: Amazon UK can expand their business mainly in Asian and African developing countries because of the low competition and high profitability of those economies.
o   Acquisition: It can decrease the competition by acquiring other company.
o   Opening physical stores: Amazon UK can open physical store in UK which will result in repeat purchases and create loyal customers.
o   Low entry barriers: Amazon UK faces threat of low entry barriers because low entry barriers encourage new business to engage which will increase competition.
o   Government regulations: governments rule and regulations are also another threat for Amazon UK.
o   Local competition: Amazon UK faces various local competitors like as Walmart, Sainsbury, Asda, Tesco etc.

4.1 Evaluate techniques of assessing customer response

There are various techniques to assess customer responses. Three major techniques are being used to assess customer responses.

Productive performance indicator
Productive performance indicator measure the ability of workers. It measure how many orders or services a worker can provide in a human-hour. Amazon UK can increase this response rate by introducing automation in the organization. Automation reduces the hiring cost of new people. 
Financial performance indicator
Total response cost (TRC) is used to measure the financial performance. Cost related with customer responses workflow, assets used for it, infrastructure used within the organization helps Amazon UK to assess the cost and result of buyer response.
Quality performance indicator
There are two techniques of measuring quality performance indicator; order entry accuracy (OEA) and first time fill rate (FTFR). Invoice accuracy and order status communication accuracy also used for measuring quality performance indicator. Amazon UK can increase buyer response rate by maintaining OEA, FTFR, invoice accuracy and order status communication accuracy (Rau, 2013).

4.2 Design and complete a customer satisfaction survey

Customer satisfaction survey can be done through the use of 5 scale Likert chart and structured questionnaire. Here, 5 scale Likert chart are given below which is used here for measuring customer satisfaction survey.
Rating point
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Table: 5 scale rating point

A customer satisfaction template is given below:
Name: ………………………………
Address: …………………………….
E-mail: ……………………………….
Cell no. ………………………………

Q a. Services of Amazon UK are very satisfactory.
o   Strongly agree
o   Agree
o   Neutral
o   Disagree
o   Strongly disagree
Q b. Amazon UK’s products are very satisfactory.
o   Strongly agree
o   Agree
o   Neutral
o   Disagree
o   Strongly disagree
Q c. Customer care services of Amazon UK are very satisfactoryo  Strongly agree
o   Agree
o   Neutral
o   Disagree
o   Strongly disagree
 Q d. Pricing strategy of Amazon UK is very satisfactory.
o   Strongly agree
o   Agree
o   Neutral
o   Disagree
o   Strongly disagree
  Q e. Amazon UK’s after sale services are very satisfactory
.o   Strongly agree
o   Agree
o   Neutral
o   Disagree
o   Strongly disagree
Amazon UK can assess customer satisfaction level after data collecting by survey with the use of such questionnaire and 5scale Likert chart.

4.3 Review the success of a completed survey.

The success of survey lies on how it helps the organization. After successful survey, Amazon UK can understand where they stand in terms of customer satisfaction. They can understand their problems of achieving customer satisfaction and able to take necessary steps to gain more customer satisfaction. If customers are satisfied, they will be their loyal customers and more loyal customers are an advantage over the competitors (Ronkainen, 2012).


Amazon UK has the potentiality to be more successful in the market and can successfully keep their position in the market. They have the opportunities of expanding business and they can open physical store in UK which help them to create more loyal customers. Amazon UK should be developed more automation system which helps to increase buyer response rate and buyer satisfaction. Amazon UK should know about their competitors and market trends. They should conduct market research to know their position, competitor’s position, and customer satisfaction.  

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