Marketing Principles of McDonalds

 Macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions

Every organization has its own business environment and ensures them run and grown in to this environment. There are two major types of environment which are effects almost all of the business activities. These twos are macro environment and micro environment.

Macro environment
Macro environment is external environment that effects a business or company’s activities indirectly. Macro environment has some factors which influence the business. How these factors influence McDonalds are described below:

Figure 1: Macro environment of McDonald
Source: Own creation

·         Political
Political environment includes various rules and regulation established by the government of a country and McDonald should follow these.

·         Social
When a company wants to run business to a society they have some responsibilities towards it so McDonald should maintain corporate social responsibilities.

·         Technological
It is related with technology and how technology affects a company’s activity. By using technology McDonald can deliver their product to the hand of their customer.

·         Economic
Economic condition of a target area or target customers so that McDonald can produce and provide right product to the right customer.

Micro Environment
Micro environmental factors directly influence the company. How micro environment influence McDonald is shown below:
McDonald should take several steps to increase their customer. They should recruit qualified employee to increase product quality. They should retain their existing suppliers as well as search for new one. They should take several steps to get competitive advantage.

Segmentation criteria to be used for McDonald's products in different markets.

Segmentation can be define as divide a market based on demography, geography, psychographic and behavior of the customer. Each small pert called a segment of the market. Basically a company segments their market to give extra effort to their target customer and attain maximum profit. McDonald segments their market on the basis of demography, geography and so on which are stated below

·         Geographic segmentation
Geographical segmentation is based on the geographical division of a market. It is setting different market strategy for different market based on their location. Such as set a price for India.

·         Demographical Segmentation
Demography of different country can be separate so McDonald should carefully consider when setting marketing strategy. Demography can be differ through race, region and nationality of target customer.

·         Cultural segmentation
It means that people of different culture have different choice, have some restriction to buy or use some of the product so McDonald should set their marketing strategies consider these factors.

·         Behavioral Segmentation
Behavior of the customer is also important while setting market strategy. McDonald should set marketing strategy regarding their customer.

 Targeting strategy for a selected product

Targeting refers to select specific group of customers to whom the company wants to sell their product and make their marketing strategy. McDonald has their targeting strategy to attain better outcomes from their customer and provide them the best service. There are three types of targeting strategy which are followed by the different company.

1.      Undifferentiated Targeting Strategy:

Undifferentiated targeting strategy refers to apply same targeting strategy to same place or customer. It is effective for the customers who continuously use one kinds of information tool. Such as in some are of India some people just reads the newspaper. McDonalds should follow undifferentiated strategy to attain their customers located in different types of historical places like Mumbai. Companies are follows this strategy to attain their customer for a long time.

2.   Concentrated Targeting Strategy:

Concentrated targeting strategy says that company should concentrate on a specific targeted segment and serves it better than other segment. McDonald follows this strategy to make their specific group of customer royal and loyal. It ensures them get better output in future. McDonald follow this tools by targeting customer whose age is over 50 in the segmented area and McDonald use direct communication for such kind of customer.

3.      Differentiated Targeting Strategy:

In differentiated targeting strategy a company uses different promotional tools for different customer. McDonald uses this kind of strategy by providing both personal selling and TV advertising to a segmented area. As McDonald’s product used by different types of people like teenagers, older and Youngers, so they needs to apply different types of promotional tools. They also communicate directly with different families to find their needs and buying patterns.

The effect of buying behavior on marketing activities in different buying Situations.

People have unlimited wants but the resource they wants are limited.  So people need to adjust their unlimited wants with limited resource. Consumer buying behavior is consumer brand choice, product feature justification, compare the product with other product when they buy a product. There are four major types of consumer buying behavior.

High Involvement
Low Involvement
Significant differences between brands
Complex buying behavior
Variety seeking behavior
Few differences between brands
Dissonance buying behavior
Habitual buying behavior

Figure: 2 Consumer buying behavior
Source: own created.

1.      High involvement:
When consumer buys a luxurious product they face this situation. When a customer buys a luxurious product they seek different types of information from different source so they need to involve with the product to know itself. This situation faced only by the luxurious product company. McDonald’s have little brand comparison so their customers hardly face this problem.

2.      Low involvement:
When the consumer buy a product of low price then this situation happens. When people buy a cheaper product they compare less. McDonald is a first Food Company and most of their products are low prices so people hardly compare their product.

3.      Significant differences between brand:
 When the customers compare significantly a company’s product with others then this situation happens. Significant differences are occurs when a customer a luxurious product like a motor cycle. McDonald deals with fast food so there customers are have low brand comparison when buy the product.

4.      Few differences between brands:
 When there have very little differences between the brands then this situation happens. It is suitable for the products which are used daily by a customer. McDonald deals with fast food so they have lower brand comparison.

When there have significant product differences in buying and the buyers are highly involved then the situation is complex buying behavior. If there are significant product differences and the customers are in low involvement then the situation is variety seeking behavior. Consumers are highly involved in purchase but there have few differences between brands in dissonance buying behavior. There have low involvement and few differences between brands in habitual buying behavior.


 Propose new positioning for a selected product or service.

Positioning is to set the name of the product to the heart of the customer. For positioning a company selects a segment and applies industry attractiveness to make the product more acceptable to the customer. If McDonald wants to make a position in customer minds they should focus their pizza to the customer, they should make it highly featured and better than the competitor and they also should keep its price affordable to the customer. McDonalds needs to apply attractive promotional tools to capture their customers and they should concentrate on their product quality. They need well trained and qualified home delivery personnel to serve their customer. It also needed for them to focus on building strong customer relationship via direct communication with them. McDonald should produce and provide hygienic food to make their customer more loyal. McDonald uses a slogan that is "I’m loving' it" to positioning their product. By this they meant that customer love their product for their better quality.

 Marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets with reference to McDonalds.
Marketing mix is the blending of 7ps as product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Almost all of the organizations have to consider these 7ps very carefully to be successful in the competitive competition. An organizations success is mostly dependent on introducing a right product to a right group of customer, establishing a fair prices based on quality of the product, perfect segment of the market, use of best media as promotional tools, effective and skilled employees for better performance. McDonalds consider all these marketing mix carefully. Like most of the organization McDonalds segment their total market based on three criterion. These criterion are demographic, psychographic and behavioral. McDonald sets different price for Australia and India because of income level of the people and their standard of living. They charge lower price for India and higher price for Australia. Salary for Indian employee is comparatively lower than that of Australia. Because the living standard of India is not as higher as Australia.

 Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers

There are many company exist in the market and they produce same product such as Samsung and iPhone produce smartphone. Now which product will accepted mostly by the buyers. It’s fully dependent on which benefit is provided by the each of the company. For instance McDonalds, KFC and Pizza hut have the same customer. But which one customer prepares most? To choose a product a customer first seek its differentiation with other brand then they goes for its quality. Then they ask for lower price. So the company should produce quality product at a lower price. To capture the market McDonald should produce quality product at a lower price than their competitor’s price. By this customers will attract and start buying their product. McDonald also can provide fast food to the customer’s home through home delivery service through qualified home deliver personnel. They can also establish higher prices for society’s top-level people whose income level is higher like businessman, banker, teacher they want high quality service and environment. They should also ensure product quality and feature for high price customers.

 How and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing in the case of McDonalds.

A domestic marketing refers to a company’s business activities in its own country or own region. On the other hand when marketing activities is designed based for out of domestic market and international market situation then it is called international marketing. When a company seek for earning higher profit and wants to enlarge their business then they try to enter international market. Most of the organizations starts their business first in a domestic region. Marketing activities for international market is totally different from domestic one.

·         Obstacles
To enter a country’s market is not easy. It needs to overcome some rules and regulation by the government of the country but domestic companies’ faces this problem hardly.

·         Scope
Domestic companies are got lower benefit than that of the international one. International Companies got many duty free benefit that domestic one hardly got.

·          Profits
International company earns more profit than domestic one because scope for earning more profit is greater for international one than domestic. International company have more customer than domestic one.

·         Technology
 International companies have to use newer technology to serve their huge number of customers than domestic one.

·         Political relations
International companies have to build good political relation in many countries to run their business risk free. It is not mandatory for domestic company.

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